Other products available from Garlicana:
Garlicana Farm can be found at the Grants Pass Oregon Growers Market in Autumn and Winter with a diverse array of vegetables including many varieties of potatoes, brassicas, alliums and, of course, garlic. It takes much of the summer to do the farming necessary to get all the garlic ready, much less everything else. We do get inquiries for availability for produce during the spring and summer months. If you are in the region and are interested the farms’ produce, please inquire as to what’s in season. While it is not realistic to ship perishable produce, there are some items that are sent out. This includes garlic powders.
Garlic Powder: In the winter, after garlic is planted there is a plethora of cloves that were not selected for planting. These are sorted by horticultural group, peeled, sliced and dried at temperatures far below the threshold where allicin is affected. The chips are sealed and stored until it’s time to grind and jar. The powder is kept frozen until shipping and it is suggested to keep tightly sealed and frozen. Stored accordingly, these will retain pungency for a year or two and the cold, aridity of the freezer will prevent caking. Garlic powder is available year round but variety selection is variable. Please inquire as to what varieties are available. Garlic powder is $14/jar. If shipped with a larger garlic order, the increased weight isn’t likely to up the shipping cost, so unless a larger box is needed, there’d be no additional charge. If shipped on its own, minimum shipping is $15.
NOTE: All weights for jars listed is based on the actual weight of the product, not the size of jar. Please check for availability on the following items before ordering
Roasted Garlic Powder: Roasted, dried and powdered. As roasting brings out the sugars in the garlic, it’s more prone to cake than regular garlic powder but the flavor is phenomenal. 2 ¼ oz jars are $20.
Smoked Garlic Powder: Slowly smoked at low temperature using fruit wood the garlic becomes rich, sweet and yet retains pungency. It takes a very long time to dehydrate but a little less prone to caking than the roasted powder. 2.25 oz. jars are $20
Garlic Salt: Garlic is pulsed with French Grey salt at a 3:1 ratio so as to let the garlic infuse into the salt. Then it’s dried, ground and jarred. 2.75 oz jars are $14. Available in granules and fine ground. These come in spice jars with shaker tops.
Smoked Garlic Salt: the garlic and salt have been smoked separately, then pulsed at a 3:1 ratio and processed like the regular garlic salt. These, like the regular garlic salt above, come in spice jars with shaker tops. 2.75 oz is $20
Black Garlic: Aged black garlic is candy. If you didn’t know it was garlic, you might not know that it had been garlic; it’s like balsamic vinegar, molasses and figs. It is made by heating the garlic to 160-170 F and keeping the humidity high for a few weeks. The garlic turns black and soft. The flavor is affected by the dry matter content of the garlic at the time as well as adjustments to the temperatures during the process, which is an enzymatic breakdown (as opposed to fermentation) called a Malliard reaction. It stores well, assuming one can resist eating it for long. 1/2 lbs. are $16.
Garlic Scapes: During the growing season, the scapes of the garlic are removed to re-direct the plants energy from producing a flower to enlarging the bulbs. Needless to say, we end up with a lot of scapes. These are processed in a number of ways: ground and fermented, pickled, dried, etc. Scapes, however are best enjoyed as a seasonal treat as any garlic grower knows. Sauteed, grilled, deep fried, made into pesto, roasted; so many ways to them, we’ve even juiced them for scape shots!
If you are in the region and want to order bulk quantities, please contact us for availability and pricing.